What Is Faithwalking?

Faithwalking is a spiritual formation process where people are increasingly following the way of Jesus, experiencing ongoing transformation, and developing effective practices for missional living: serving the poor, the marginalized, and those in need; working for the common good; and restoring individuals, social systems, communities, and nations to God’s intended design.

Faithwalking At Access

(1) Faithwalking 101: It is the beginning of your spiritual formation process. During 101 participants hear presentations about being fully human and fully alive according to God’s design and how that makes a difference in their world. FW 101 is currently offered in a few different formats, a two-day retreat and an eight-week weekly series.

(2) Faithwalking 201: FW 201 is a 24-week biweekly seminar series that provides participants with practices and conceptual tools for partnering with God in doing the work of personal transformation in your life. Building on what you learned in Faithwalking 101, you will be given a set of tools that are designed to help you engage a lifelong journey of personal transformation. For more information on FW201 - 201 Website

(3) Faithwalking 202: FW202 takes principles you learned in 201 about personal transformation, and takes you deeper. You also dig into family systems theory which is pretty key in understanding how family of origin stuff influence the way we show up in life and in relationships. It’s a 13-week commitment, not as intense as 201, but does require a willingness to do some interior work! Plus the opportunity to be coached by Jim or Ken is pretty awesome!

There are currently no Access-hosted Faithwalking retreats coming up, but we highly encourage you to prayerfully consider signing up for a non-Access hosted Faithwalking retreat: